Working with women on their dreams, I have learned that often life choices determine what dreams are fulfilled and what dreams are relegated to the shelf for future consideration. What I have also noticed is that we are making dreams happen, and we are not living our dreams full out. We live a compartmentalized life that only allows u s to have some of our dreams and not all.

What I am saying is that for some reason we as women believe that we must make choices among our dreams rather than seeing that all of them are possible. We believe that if I have dreams about family, friends and career, that I must choose one.

Now you may say “But, I can have it all.” Yet, I would be willing to bet that you have chosen one dream to concentrate on and the others sit in the backseat and are worked on when time permits. Otherwise, you might have segmented the dreams and there is little balance or integration in your life. Each dream is a single entity that when completed is over and does not relate to the rest of your life to provide a truly remarkable life that achieves your life’s purpose.

Ann Evanston has taught me that there are six components to your lives that can create a full, rounded beach ball when you are truly living your dreams. These areas are spirit, home, health, relationships, finances, and career. When we are faced with our dreams for having and raising children, having a strong and vibrant relationship with a significant other, having great health and fitness, having financial fluidity, having an amazing career of our choice, or having a spiritual practice that bring peace to our souls, we frequently can only handle one at a time to which to give our full attention.

As moms we dive deeply and fully into our children’s lives from school activities to after school sports. Other areas of our lives can suffer including the relationships with friends and significant others.

Why settle for just having a dream in one area of your life? Looking at these six areas, I will teach you how to live an extraordinary life rich with the sights, sounds, smells, tastes and feelings of realization by integrating your dream activities into your entire life. That your dreams will bring richness to all six areas of your life because you are thinking beyond one small fragment.

Something else I have learned as a business woman is to ask for what you want. If you loved what you just read, this content is not for free. As a form of payment, I am asking you simply to comment or share this on Facebook or tweet about it on Twitter.

Linda Patten, MBA, BSN, RN has over 30 years of experience leading women to success in building and achieving their dreams. She turns networking marketing women from product sellers to leaders of highly functioning teams. To learn more about her innovative programs, click on Contact Us .