Our relationship with money can be very complicated. For many of us, money has always been an issue. It often wraps around our scarcity beliefs and thinking. What are the sayings you hear when I talk about money? Money doesn’t grow on trees. Money is the root of all evil. A fool and his money will be soon parted. You have to work hard for money. It is not polite to take money from others. Neither a borrower or a lender be.

Time is money. Money can’t buy you love or happiness.More month than money.With these ideas in mind, where does your mind go a round money? Does it go to these sayings?

“I don’t have enough, I need more,“I can’t afford it; it costs too much.” “Is it on sale?” “If only I had the money, I could…”?

Many of us grew up with parents, teachers, friends and neighbors stressing about money, and talking about not being able to afford things that we wanted. As we grow up, we film the world around us and when we are adults, we play that tape back and it is what we live by.

Even very wealthy individuals stress about money. Their worries may be different from ours, but I have never met a wealthy individual who does not want more. If that were not the case then Oprah, Donald Trump, Bill Gates and others would not continue to create the next new idea or business.

We are consumed by our lack of money. Even when we are successful, we are afraid of that success and of losing it. We stress about making that next payment and yet not really looking for how will we get the money needed to make that payment or to buy the essentials of life like shelter,food,water as noted in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

Without concentrating on attaining the necessary money, we are sending a message to our subconscious to look in the outside world for every way to reinforce the belief that we are in scarcity. The subconscious mind will activate the Reticular Activating System (RAS) which will scan for ways to not have the money arrive or to find new ways to spend the money that you already have. This could be a flat tire or some other breakdown of equipment or some health emergency. You get the picture.

As you think, so the RAS makes it happen.If scarcity is your standard then that is what you experience in your life. Is that how you want to live your life or is abundance where you are going?

In my work with women and their dreams / visions, I know that abundant thinking can become the norm when the future is so vibrant that there is nothing else in way. Something else I have learned as a business woman is to ask for what you want. If you loved what you just read, this content is not for free. As a form of payment, I am asking you simply to comment or share this on facebook or tweet about it on Twitter.

Linda Patten, MBA, BSN, RN has over 30 years of experience leading women to success in building and achieving their dreams. She turns networking marketing women from product sellers to leaders of highly functioning teams. To learn more about her innovative programs, click on Contact Us.