In Hopes, Wishes and Dreams, I shared with you that YOU need to take control of your future. This means creating navigational maps from which to chart your course. Navigating by the stars is ancient. Because of how brightly lit our cities and town are, there are not many stars and constellations seen today.
We now rely on ground navigation for much of how we manage getting from point A to point B. GPS has become the crutch we use regularly. Looking down at the ground can  be very limiting as we can only see what is right in front of us. When creating a star map, the universe is limitless as your dreams could be. When defining a navigational map of any kind, you must start with “You Are Here!” and you must end with “Your Biggest, Boldest, Most Vibrant Dream!” What is in between are the stars you will reach in order to realize the dream. When you navigate by the stars, you first find your North Star. When you have lost your way, the North Star is the one your can rely on to bring you back to your course.
Knowing your own person constellations, which are the steps on the way to the fulfillment of the dream, is the way of keeping the course at the top of your mind,no matter what may try to divert you along the way. I have found it the greatest challenge with this step is not designing the navigational map, but rather ensuring that the piece that I must do daily is a priority in my life, that it is on my calendar and that I don’t end the day until that step is worked on even if it is not completed. When the dream truly involves all of my emotional centers, it is very powerful and inspires me to greatness. It becomes what motivates me each day to take that next step on my course. When I think of my dreams, my energy gets so jazzed that I can do that last push of the day like a runner getting a last burst of speed before the finish line to win.
Dreaming means that YOU take control of your future. It means charting a course on which to navigate. Come take theDare2Dream Workshop and begin to soar up into the atmosphere where your vision is clear. Something else I have learned as a business woman is to ask for what you want. If you loved what you just read, this content is not for free. As a form of payment, I am asking you simply to comment or share this on Facebook or tweet about it on Twitter.
Linda Patten, MBA, BSN, RN has over 30 years of experience leading women to
success in building and achieving their dreams. She turns networking marketing
women from product sellers to leaders of highly functioning teams. To learn more
about her innovative programs, click on Contact Us.