Lessons in Leadership

and a few personal stories

 Sharing what I have learned, tested, and trained about leadership mindset and skills. My hope here is to inspire and activate the extraordinary leader ​that lies within you.

Karma and Stolen Cars

It’s December and it must be time for my car to be stolen – again. I know that Hondas are one of the most popular cars to be stolen in the United States. Until we learned that lights deter thieves, we did have a challenge with attempts. When we sold our house, we...

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Dreaming and Menopause

How does dreaming and menopause relate?  I thought that was a very intriguing notion when I heard it from Amy Brucker, a friend of mine, when we were talking about dreams.    Here is the thought.  If you are a menopausal woman, have you noticed that...

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Where does luggage go on vacation?

Because I travel extensively, my luggage has been to many exotic and fun locations. In addition, lost luggage is a reality when you travel. Sometimes it is just the places you go and sometimes it is just the luck of the draw. One of the things I always wondered was...

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Traditional Jobs: Teaching

In my story about traditional jobs, I talked about women taking on jobs in administration, nursing and teaching.  So far, you have read that I did a lot of administration.  As a child I had a dream about standing on stage and speaking eloquently.  Because of words...

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Traditional Jobs

When I was a young girl, my mother asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.  At that time, women went into the traditional jobs of teaching, nursing, or administration.  My mother was in administration and that was the role model I had of the working woman.  Most...

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Obsession with Caramel

Most people you know talk about their obsession with chocolate; that they would do anything for a piece of great chocolate or a great chocolate drink.  Well, for me, that obsession is with caramel.  It needs to be exceptional to say the least and in some cases, it...

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Holiday Traditions

In Fiddler on the Roof, Tevye sings about “Tradition.”   To mankind, winter brings a plethora of celebrations – holidays.  Each holiday has its rituals and its meanings.  The holiday season is a time for family and friends as well as for contemplation on what the year...

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Becoming a Leader: Leadership Skill #5 Communication

In this series on the leadership skills necessary for Becoming a Leader, I have helped you to define the vision, design a course to follow, espoused being flexible in your approach and helped to discover how to inspire your team.  Great, now what do you do?  ...

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Being Grateful

While this maybe the season for being grateful, this act is something which should be thought about and expressed every day of your life.  Many years ago, I started a Gratitude Journal.  This was at a time when I was struggling with fibromyalgia, when a recession had...

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Becoming a Leader — Leadership Skill #4 Inspire Your Team

  The leadership skills necessary in Becoming a Leader seem simple and just good common sense that everyone should be an expert in them.  Yet that is not often the case.  So far, you have created a vision that is vibrant and has your entire team on board.  You...

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