Traditional Jobs

When I was a young girl, my mother asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.  At that time, women went into the traditional jobs of teaching, nursing, or administration.  My mother was in administration and that was the role model I had of the working woman.  Most...

Obsession with Caramel

Most people you know talk about their obsession with chocolate; that they would do anything for a piece of great chocolate or a great chocolate drink.  Well, for me, that obsession is with caramel.  It needs to be exceptional to say the least and in some cases, it...

Holiday Traditions

In Fiddler on the Roof, Tevye sings about “Tradition.”   To mankind, winter brings a plethora of celebrations – holidays.  Each holiday has its rituals and its meanings.  The holiday season is a time for family and friends as well as for contemplation on what the year...

Being Grateful

While this maybe the season for being grateful, this act is something which should be thought about and expressed every day of your life.  Many years ago, I started a Gratitude Journal.  This was at a time when I was struggling with fibromyalgia, when a recession had...

Traveling to Europe: Great Lessons in Life

My senior year in college, I took the January interim in Europe.  It was probably one of the most eye-opening experiences I have had.  I had traveled extensively through the eastern United States with my family.  I was a good traveler and had seen many historic sites...